Friday, September 2, 2016

Will Trump Deport Grandma???

Trump's harsh immigration policy has too many repercussions he's not acknowledging. Like an angry little boy with is head buried in the sand, Trump forgets he's talking about splitting up good, hard working families.

Let's see the honest immigrant who either overstayed their visa or maybe did come in illegally years ago.

Now's she's a grandma. Her children and grandchildren were born here. She
worked hard her whole life just to give her kids a good live. Now they're  contributing members of society. They go to church, work honest jobs, come home and help the kids with their homework.

Trump gets into office and rips this sweet grandma from the only home she's known for the last 40 years and sends her back to country where she knows no one and has no ties. What happens to Grandma?

How many families will be ripped apart by Trump's unrealistic view of immigrants?

Drug dealers? Criminals? Ask Trump what he's going to do about the drug dealers and criminals that are American citizens. Does he have an answer for that one?

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